It's 2 hours post lunch, and as I open my laptop and resume work after much procrastination, I'm struck by an uneasy and familiar feeling of hunger. It makes me wonder what causes hunger or what motivates us to eat. After all, food is such an important part of our lives, and for people like me who live to eat, it is the reason for their existence! Have you ever considered the same thing? If so, let us embark on a journey that will answer all of our questions and put an end to our inquisitiveness.
Let us investigate the connection between the brain and hunger. I know it sounds boring, but I promise you that this information will keep you interested until the end. Food is the primary source of energy for our entire body and the way the human brain controls eating is a little complicated, but I'll do my best to simplify it for better comprehension.
Our brain's primary reason for eating is survival. The hypothalamus, which is located in our hindbrain, is in charge of regulating our appetite. There are neurons in this region that increase or decrease appetite and control our energy expenditure. Other body systems, in addition to the hypothalamus, play a role in regulating our food intake. The hypothalamus communicates directly with the reward, emotion, and memory systems when it receives external signals.
Reward Systems
Aside from being perceived as necessary for survival, food is also viewed as rewarding and activates the reward pathways in the brain. This pathway is made up of dopaminergic neurons that respond to both visual food cues and food intake. You've probably heard of dopamine, also known as the "happy hormone." It mediates pleasure in the brain and stimulates one to seek pleasurable activity. Food, sex, and illegal drugs all stimulate dopamine release in the brain. So, when we eat, our dopamine levels rise, making us feel good and happy. As a result, positive reinforcement is used that ensures this action is repeated.
Emotion Systems
Our emotions have a significant impact on our appetite. Clinical disorders such as depression and anxiety are frequently associated with dysfunctional eating behaviours. When compared to fear and sadness, joy and anger increase appetite and lead to poor dietary choices. Many studies have discovered that these effects are more common in women than in men.
The main brain area that regulates food intake in response to emotions is the amygdala. Many studies have found that activation of the amygdala leads to the consumption of high-fat foods. Stress and the amygdala are also linked. Have you ever noticed how much you eat when you are stressed? The amygdala is in charge of most of this behaviour. When we are stressed, our bodies and emotions become dysregulated, causing us to engage in stress eating to relieve our emotions.
The cognitive control of our brain also regulates our appetite and the type of food we eat. As an example, a person on a diet will try to avoid eating a slice of pizza because it will jeopardise their progress. This indicates that the individual has strong cognitive control and can make sound decisions. A person with impaired cognitive control will make poor decisions and may consume more fat and calorie-rich foods.
That was the heavy stuff, where we discussed how the brain and its various areas influence our eating habits. Other factors, aside from evolution and survival, influence what and why we eat. When someone says, "I love to eat," it is not because they rely on food for survival or energy. These basic food requirements run in the background of our bodies. "I love to eat" is said by someone because food makes them happy, they are curious about different cuisines, they want to try new dishes, they like how certain foods taste and smell. Many studies show that our eating habits are influenced by a variety of factors such as culture, socialising, economic status, psychology, and so on. These factors have come into play because food is abundant, cheap, and available in a wide variety nowadays. Now, let's take a look at some of these elements.
When it comes to food, India has a cuisine for every state! From chole bhature to dal makhani, dosa, pao bhaji, vada pao, and everything in between! Every time you walk down the street, there is a food cart on every corner. We don't need variety because we have an abundance of it. However, as man became a cosmopolitan citizen and globalisation spread throughout the world, cross-cultural influence began, introducing new ways of living and eating. The western countries' influence on the eastern countries was particularly strong. As a result, you can now find every cuisine here that is available in the rest of the world. Isn't this one of the sweet miracles of globalisation?
This resulted in the emergence of a new class of people eager to try all of these cuisines. The introduction of foods like burgers, fried chicken, pizzas, and pasta piqued the interest of the younger generation. As a result of these new and lucrative food options on the market, consumers became more interested in food in general.
It is assumed that humans are social beings. Almost every day, we interact with people on a personal or professional level. When we meet up with friends, we usually do so in a nice cafe with good food; when we have a date, we go to a romantic restaurant with good food; and when we have a get-together, we look for a take-out or delivery restaurant with good food. Almost all of our socialising is accompanied by food, whether it's a quick cup of coffee or a lavish meal. Are you curious as to why? Because it is enjoyable, comfortable, makes us happy, and instils a sense of relaxation and contentment. Giving us another reason as to what causes us to eat.
We now understand what makes us want to eat when we are stressed, depressed, angry, happy, out socialising with others, or at home. Simply put, our brain, emotions, and a variety of other cultural and environmental factors all influence our eating behaviour, and they are all interconnected. So, the next time you're hungry, think about what's making you hungry; as for me, I'm going to go and grab a bite because, after all this writing, I'm famished! You can order your favourites too!
Macht M. Characteristics of eating in anger, fear, sadness and joy. Appetite. 1999;33(1):129–39.
O'Doherty JP, Deichmann R, Critchley HD, Dolan RJ. Neural responses during anticipation of a primary taste reward. Neuron. 2002;33(5):815–26. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
When we talk about food, numerous questions pop-up in our minds. How fresh are the ingredients, how was it cooked, was the surrounding in which it was prepared clean or not, what was the hygiene level of the person who prepared it and so on.
We Indians are obsessed with food! Be it eating out in a gaudy restaurant, hogging down street food or cooking some sumptuous dish at home, we do it all and love it all. The recent metamorphosis of the food industry and coming up of cloud kitchens have pumped up our love for food even further by providing us with countless options and cuisines. The change in the lifestyle of the Indian middle class is evident not only by their disposable incomes but also by how their eating habits have evolved. Today, people eat out more frequently than ever before because it is convenient, tasty, cheap, and promoted on large scales. This consumer behaviour gives rise to a lot of food safety and hygiene-related issues.
Pandemic or no pandemic, kitchens should follow some basic rules and regulations to ensure food safety and avoid health hazards. If not Covid-19, there are many more, highly fatal diseases that are communicable by eating bad food! And this concern doesn't just end here. With havoc created by Covid-19 in our lives, we have become more sceptical of eating outside food. People are concerned about delivery executives' health as well because they are being exposed to multiple people daily.
According to the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, Food Safety is defined as an "assurance that food is acceptable for human consumption according to its intended use." Food Safety also ensures that the food is handled, prepared and stored in ways that prevent borne illnesses.
Some of you may wonder why we are getting into the technicality of all this, and does it really matter? Yes, it does! Let's get to know why.
Food Safety prevents microbes and contaminants from getting into food and water. These microbes and contaminants are not only harmful to us, but they also destroy essential nutrients present in the food. Infections caused due to the consumption of unsafe food are reported in people with fragile health, kids and infants. These infections are usually more severe and sometimes prove to be fatal. Now that we have understood how dangerous consuming unsafe food can be, let's have a quick informative session on how to warrant food safety in kitchens and restaurants.
Getting a FSSAI License
The first and the foremost thing any kitchen needs to do before being operational is obtaining a FSSAI license. Food Standard and Safety Authority of India is responsible for regulating food safety in the country. You must have seen a FSSAI logo on many of the packed products you consume; this means that it is FSSAI verified and is safe to eat. You must have heard the quote "health is wealth", which is precisely what this license aims for. Obtaining this license means that the food is 100% safe to consume without any health consequences. Having this license also makes the brand more trustworthy and creates positive brand image. If any food-related business fails to obtain the FSSAI license, then the liabilities can go up to imprisonment and heavy fines.
This is the authority in India that lays down rules that every commercial kitchen needs to follow to ensure food safety. Recently, FSSAI launched a new cloud-based food safety online compliance platform called Food Safety Compliance System (FoSCoS). This system gives out guidelines that should be followed at a cloud kitchen or a food business premise.
We all know the basic principals such as maintaining personal hygiene, sanitizing the surfaces at regular intervals, washing hands frequently, regular temperature checks of all the staff and riders, but now I will list some of the lesser-known guidelines as listed by FSSAI.
The above mentioned are only a few of the guidelines that FSSAI have laid to maintain food safety. For complete information on this, feel free to access the various links I have attached below.
Well, I hope this information is ample for you to understand what food safety is and why it is so stressed by FSSAI. Food is considered to be a delicate subject as it has the power to affect the health of the consumer directly, and if neglected, food contamination has far-reaching repercussions. Food safety is a shared responsibility among the governing bodies, industry, producers and consumers. As a food business owner, it is our responsibility to make sure that the food we serve is safe in all ways for the consumer and the environment.
Links for Reference on Food Safety
On 11th March 2020, The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic. Since then, the virus has leashed havoc on our lives. We had to adjust to the new ways of living, from bathing in sanitizers to wearing a mask whenever we go out and learning to maintain social distance. Initially, we thought this is temporary and things will go back to normal soon, but who were we kidding? As I write this article after over a year, I am still wearing a mask, I have a small bottle of hand sanitizer with me, and I still have inhibitions before stepping out of the house.
Adjusting to a new lifestyle did not stop with use of sanitizers and masks. These were the easiest changes that we had to introduce in our lives. When the government declared nationwide lockdown, a new phase of life began "Work from Home". As enticing as it seemed at the beginning, it went on to be equally excruciating with time. I'm sure you must have read the meme which says, "it's not work from home anymore, it's home from work".
With this being the new normal, boundaries were blurred, routines were disrupted, and new habits were formed. A significant hit was taken by our eating habits throughout the day. Have a meeting at 9 o'clock in the morning? Well, you know that you could just attend it while sitting in your bed, so why get into the hassle of waking up early? This took a massive hit on our routine. So, when people did not have time to squeeze lemon in their water, they did manage to squeeze some time between their meetings to have that scrumptious first meal of the day.
The combination of WFH and increasing popularity of food delivery apps, such as Zomato and Swiggy, made people take "all-day breakfast" in the literal sense. Craving some English breakfast? Those savory and saucy baked beans, creamy scrambled eggs and some sausages and hash browns? Let me just scroll Zomato and see where I can find it. This pandemic forced a lot of restaurants and cafés to go online and start home deliveries. It was the most essential step they had to take to survive. But this opened a plethora of options for people like me. Soon, I realized that all my favorite places were delivering food at my doorstep. Many new kitchens were opening up simultaneously, which were committed to provide the best food possible. So life became a little easy, and we could see a new ray of hope.
When people were done with their cooking sprees and were assured that it is safe to order food from outside again, they felt like they were attending a buffet, but only virtually. Not only lunch and dinner, but breakfast options also started appealing the foodies. With no time to think about what to cook for breakfast, they started looking for options online. With just one click, they could get some of the best breakfast options such as bagels, omelettes, and so much more.
The focus shifted towards gourmet breakfast and options that are not time-bound. People love a good breakfast, but this love was even more enhanced when it was available all day! Fancy omelettes like spinach and mushroom omelette, mushroom and cheese omelette, chicken ham and bacon omelette, which you might have only eaten in a fancy five-star restaurant, could now be delivered at your house, that too anytime! Not just omelettes, if we widen our horizon, we can find bagels as well. Wait, what? Bagels? Really? That too delivered at our homes! Yes, you read it right. With the growing influence of the West, bagels might be the best thing we got familiar with. Numerous bagel variations can be found, from the classic bagel with cream cheese to mushroom, spinach and corn bagel and what not, all excellent breakfast options that are filling and tasty. Can the universe be more giving? Well, I don't think so.
So, work from home might not have proven to be such a bad thing after all. With chasing deadlines and completing targets, it can be very easy to neglect food altogether. But advancement in technology and the availability of resources made it easier for us. With one click, we can order whatever we want, whenever we want and, with so many customisation options available I might just add, however we want our food to be. With this, I think I'm done with my work and hungry again, so I'm going to go and order some delicious breakfast because the urge is never-ending.
They say you are what you eat, and we say we are bagelicious!
Imagine holding a soft and chewy-crusty bagel filled with delicious filling inside. Has your mouth started to water? Cause mine already has.
This doughy bread is capable of giving you some wholesome breakfast experience, and why limit its superpowers to only breakfast? You can have a bagel anywhere and at any time of the day! This multi-functional food is perfect for on the go snacks or for full filling your untimely cravings.
Have you ever seen Suits, where Harvey Specter and Mike Ross have their conversations around the bagel cart or OC where bagels are preferred over cereals every day? Well, there is no doubt that Americans are crazy about their bagels and frankly we don't blame them. Dating back to at least six centuries and being described as " an unsweetened doughnut with rigor mortis" by the New York Times in the 1960s, this bread is a perfect example of "old but gold".
Across the world, bagels are preferred by kids and adults equally. And why not? There have been so much variety of bagels and flavours available in the market that bagel and cream cheese have become an old wives tale, not that we still don't love them!
Many times this superfood has been blamed for being too high on carbs but let me tell you one thing, bagels can be a part of a healthy diet too! Shocking? Not really, with the food industry on the rapid growth, there have been countless experiments and demands for various types of bagels. If stuffed with the right fillings such as avocado, eggs, tofu, spinach and gazillion of other things, these can provide you with an enormous amount of energy which would be perfect to kick-start your day or night or evening.
Bagels are rich in carbohydrate, an essential macronutrient for your body and can be a mix of fibre and protein as well if eaten the right way. This magical combination can be more filling and have more staying power to get you through the day.
So, what are you waiting for, grab your share of bagel now and remember, every bagel is a good bagel.